Spring is here….Regenerate!

This month make a conscious choice to take time for yourself to do those things make you feel great. Spring is about resurgence and rejuvenation. And the resurgence has to do with you! Make the choice to rejuvenate you, and to do whatever allows you to be regenerated this month.

I remember a Family Reunion several years back with guest speaker Dr. Fred Gross.  He had a concept that I still use today.  Here’s how it works.

What are the things on a daily basis that make you smile?  For example here are a few of mine:  the way my dogs greet me when I get home, a great piece of chocolate, a glass of wine on my patio, a cup of coffee in the morning on the patio, a hug from my friend, a phone call from my sons (they don’t live in town anymore….), the sun shining and a great song playing on the radio.  Ok, so I think you get the idea.  Dr. Gross referred to these as a “10” and the goal was to have 1-2 of these EVERYDAY!

Next level, “20” these are those things you do once a week.  For example:  dinner out with friends, sleep til 8am one day, a yoga class.  The goal here is to do at least 1-2 per week.

Next level, “50” these are those things you do once per month.  A massage or spa treatment, a day at the lake, spending time with one of my sons.  Do at least 1-2 per month and then finally you have your “100” that you do annually.

So, the way you get started with this is to make some lists.  What are the things you can do daily that bring a smile to your face, those things that you experience joy, write them down.  Then do all of the other lists and SCHEDULE…remember Dianna’s BOLD Law, if it’s not on your schedule it doesn’t exist.

It’s a simple concept, yet it has brought joy to my life and reminded me daily of my blessings.

End of the 1st Quarter….

As we approach the end of this month, it is also the end of the first quarter.  How are you doing?  Are you on track to hit your recruiting goal?  If not, what are you NOT going to be able to do as a result if the same pattern continues?  You all know as a BOLD graduate that 90% of us work to avoid pain….as your coach, my job is create some so you can be the leader you are made to be.  So what can you do this week to start of the second quarter with POWER and ENERGY?

First, answer the question for yourself if your answer was NO….now what have you learned from that….what ONE thing needs to change NOW.  One of my favorite quotes….author is unknown…”You can’t make the same mistake twice…the second time you make it ..it was a choice.”  You have the choice to do something different for the second quarter.

In that vain….I have a few of my favorite scripts….feel free to post one of yours on this blog:

“Are you saying you won’t meet with me because you have something to lose or something to gain?”

“Due to the fact you’re meeting with me; there is something missing in your business…what is it?”

“What happens when you imagine 12 months from now and you’ve hit your closed unit goal and income goal and you’re taking your family on vacation?”

Closing words….how we spend our days is how we spend our lives.  Anne Dillard.


The more successful you become, the more failure you’ll experience along the path.

It’s a little-known fact that Microsoft founders Bill Gates’ and Paul Allen’s first “big idea” was to build a business around collecting traffic data for engineers. The company was called Traf-O-Data—no joke—and one can only imagine Gates rallying around the dream of “a light post on every corner, of every street, processing traffic everywhere.”

But, the company failed.

And, Gates and Allen are doubtlessly thankful for the lessons learned from that big failure, as a few years later a little corporation named Microsoft was born. Today, Microsoft is the largest software company in the world. And, Gates’ vision of “a computer on every desktop, in every home, running Microsoft software,” has largely been realized—making him the second richest man in the world since 2010, with a net worth of $53 billion.

This story is not uncommon. In fact, the greatest success stories are, when you take the time to look, built on a series of failures.
Marilyn Monroe was dropped by Fox one year into her contract for being “unattractive” and “a bad actress.” In 1999, she was ranked the sixth greatest female star of all time by the American Film Institute, and today, is one of the most well-known pop culture icons ever.

Albert Einstein did not start speaking until relatively late in his childhood, and then was thought to be “dull” for repeating sentences to himself. Teachers found him “moderately talented,” and he flunked the entrance exam at Zurich Polytechnic. Einstein went on to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921, and has changed the face of modern physics.

Gary Keller Gary Keller knows something about failing your way to success. It has been his life journey. “People tend to think the world is conspiring against you when you fail.” His AHA: “People don’t realize you are born to fail and born to get up. It is the goal of every spiritual being to try to live as big a life as possible; to love as much as possible; to give as much as possible, and fail as often as possible.”


When you fail, you learn. Therefore, failure often plants the seeds of growth.

So, think big! Get comfortable with the idea that failure is intrinsic to success. Incremental thinking seems like a safe way to avoid failure, but it’s also the quickest way to veer left of success. The truth is, the more success you seek, the more failure you’ll achieve.

Stop taking baby steps. Or, as Gary says, “I don’t think A to B. Blow up the alphabet and start living for Z.”

Special thanks to Terrie Foster for sharing this article.



Thoughts become Things

Know where you are right now. Know where you want to be. Those are the first steps to creating change in your life.

Think about where you are right now. What kind of a picture do you have in your mind? Now, think about where you want to be. What kind of a picture do you have in your mind? Maybe you have never really thought about your life in this way.

To think is to create. If you don’t have a clear picture in your mind of what it is that you want, then you must tap into that creative side of yourself to create the image of what you desire. You create your results by the way you think about things and the images you hold in your mind.

What have you created in your life up to this point? Is it what you desire? Are you living the life of your dreams? If not, let’s start to create your ideal image.

  1. Use your imagination to determine what it is you really desire. What do you really, really want?
  2. Put these images and ideas in your mind. The images and ideas must be very specific and clear. When you have an image or idea fixed in your mind of something that you truly want, notice how you feel about it. What is your innermost (deep down) feeling? Does it excite you and scare you at the same time? If you answered yes, then you are on the right track.
  3. Every day, at least twice a day, think about and see the images and ideas you have created on the screen of your mind. Feel the feeling of what it would feel like to have it right now. Think and act as if you are in possession of what you desire in the present tense.
  4. Repetition, repetition, repetition. When you feel the feelings of already being in possession of that which you desire, the universe has no option but to deliver.

Goals and Apps to Help

I had several aha’s from Family Reunion and will be sharing those over the next few months AND one of them came from the Spirit Magazine on Southwest. There was an article titled “Goal Getters”. So here’s a recap of that article.

First thing necessary to reach your goal, know what you desire. If you know exactly what you want AND you don’t think it’s possible, chunk it down. There is a software program, costs about $68 per year called, GoalsonTrack.com. It helps you make your goals SMART and helps you set short AND long term goals. It allows you to journal AND emails you reminders of activities that are due.

Another program that helps with goal runs about $26 from Amazon and has a $7 app both on iPhones and Android. This app records your behavior over time until they become a habit. It helps you identify the habits needed to hit your goal, its called the Habit Factor.

Sometimes we know what we want and we have several goals and just don’t know where to start. I don’t know about you, I love lists!!! This system requires you to compile everything you need to do in a single list and helps you decide if it can be delegated, deferred or done right away. The idea is to spend your time doing and not just thinking about what you need to do. It’s called Getting Things Done by David Allen and you can get it from Amazon for $16. And while we are on the subject of lists, another resource Getting Results the Agile Way has you focus on just three things you’d like to accomplish in a specific time frame and has a regularly scheduled review at the end of that time period. This one really sounded like the 4-1-1 to me which I believe is an amazing tool. If you really want to accomplish things, use the 4-1-1 and send it to your coach for accountability AND post it outside your door.

The final resource is FREE and it’s called stickK.com. This is a goal-setting social media site. You state your goal publicly by setting up a commitment contract. You update at various checkpoints and designate a friend to be a referee who confirms your reports AND my favorite part, it has a consequence in which you can put money on the line to create some PAIN!!! I have not used any of these resources AND would love feedback if you do use any of them or have another resource you’d like to share.

I know you have goals for this year, both personal and business, maybe some of these tools can assist you SOARING past them!

Distruption Ideas for 1st Quarter

Here are some ideas on how to “Disrupt the Market” in the first quarter.  

(1)  SHOWCASE YOUR GROWTH!  Do a flyer, email etc with pictures of ALL your hires in 2011.  It could read “Look who found their market solution last year!”  or something creative.  Below the picture put transfer company, their production amount etc.  You can email this to your MLS, post it on social media, put it as an ad in print media.

(2) THANK YOU!  Showing gratitude always works.  Do a co-broke event, can be donuts and coffee, breakfast burritos in the parking lot (you can create a drive thru like event), do pot luck, or cookout in your parking lot.  Invite all the agents you did a transaction with in 2011, invitation can be an email or print depending on your budget.   It doesn’t have to be an event that do anything other than thank them and it impresses them.  This is also a cultural event, get your agents involved.  If you don’t want to do an event you could do an ad that simply list all of the agents you co-broke with and put it in the paper, on social media etc.  Make sure you don’t leave anyone out.  Think about it, when was the last time someone saw their name in print for doing something good!

(3)  INVITATION ONLY ! Host an invitation only event and only invite the top 25 realtors in your market.  Possible topics:  Mastermind event, Social Media, guest speaker on tax savings, wealth building.

Wealth building event are always a draw.  Who is your community is viewed as a wealthy business person that could share strategies on how they got to where they are.  You can be the facilitator and simply ask the guest questions.  Give the guest questions prior so they can be prepared.  See below for a sample class format.

The key for DISRUPTION is to offer them something they are not getting from their current broker.


Description of class: KW is conducting a weekly series called Wealth Building Fridays. The purpose of the class is to teach, assist and mastermind ways wealth can and has been created.

One time per month we are inviting a guest speaker to share their personal story, insights and struggles and tips on how they build wealth.

Class format for guests:

  • 5-15minutes Your success, position and Life
  • 30 minutes on questions as by facilitator
  • 15 minutes for Q & A

List of questions:
1. Who was your mentor when getting started?
2. What is your definition of wealth?
3. What is your view of money?
4. 1-3 tips or advise on how anyone can accumulate wealth.
5. What part did goal settings and tracking have on accumulating wealth and your success?
6. What has been your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
7. What does your wealth allow you to do?
8. What investments have been the most successful?
9. How many streams of income do you currently have?

How to be a Rock Star TL at Family Reunion


Schedule a Pre-Family Reunion meeting 2 weeks prior to discuss:  (HURRY ON THIS ONE…..)

Have in your packet to hand out:

  1. Meeting time and place to carpool to airport
  2. Transportation from airport in Orlando to Lodging (cost, phone #, etc)
  3. Confirmation number and phone number for their lodging
  4. List of every agent from that MC and guest with their phone number
  5. Printed schedule of Family Reunion with ‘Must Attend’ sessions highlighted and which sessions there will be saved seats with a different color highlighter
  6. Items to Bring to FR to ensure a Successful Event!
  7. Dress Code outlined for whole event
  8. List of restaurants for lunch and dinner – Print from website
  9. Map of area around Orlando convention center– Print from website
  10. FR Goody Bag
  11. Weather Forecast for Family Reunion

1.     Meeting time and place to carpool to airport

Begin your adventure here!  Plan to carpool and play FUN music in the cars!  Paint the cars with KW paint to get energy up!

2.      Transportation from airport in Orlando to Lodging (cost, phone #, etc)

Please research cost of transportation and prepare them with the number of transportation.

 3.     Confirmation number and phone number for their lodging

Give them on their specific confirmation number (make sure and transfer their name on their room if currently on a group block)  Phone number to give to their family as a leave behind.

4.     List of every agent from that MC and guest with their phone number 

Make a list of everyone going from your MC and your staff attending mobile #.

5.     Printed schedule of Family Reunion with ‘Must Attend’ sessions highlighted and which sessions there will be saved seats with a different color highlighter

What general sessions are ‘Must Attends’ (have them highlighted with one color)

What Agent sessions are ‘Must Attends’ (have them highlighted with a different color)

Which sessions will someone be assigned to save seats? (note them so you can all sit together at that session)

6.      Items to Bring to FR to ensure a Successful Event!

  • Lots of business cards (play the ‘who can exchange 100 cards in a day Challenge’)
  • Personal brochures to hand out
  • Snacks
  • KW Red Tennis Shoes/Dressy Comfy Walking Shoes
  • Flip Flops (put in your purse to change out if you have a long walk from the convention center)
  • Roller Bags for computers/books
  • Cameras/flip cameras
  • BOLD T-Shirt
  • Costumes for RED Bash
  • Goody Bag from TL
  • $1 bills for water/soda machines
  • FR Schedule

7.  Dress Code

  • All Day sessions except IALC meeting, Business Casual
  • IALC meeting, Business Dress
  • Red Bash—Casual/Crazy Costumes
  • KWRI Awards—Formal/Glitzy
  • BOLD Re-Charge—BOLD T-shirts for admission on Sunday with Business Casual
  • Red KW Cares Tennis shoes are applicable with all Dress

8.    Print List of restaurants for lunch and dinner off Website

  • Are you planning a night out on your Free night-Tuesday?  Get reservations now for your group to ensure a Great night out!
  • Provide a list of restaurants close for Free lunches and Free night for dinner with avg. meal prices-

9.    Map of area around New Orleans convention center

  • Print off a map with your lodging and convention center with highlighted route for their daily travel– 

10.   FR Goody Bag

  • Big Red gum
  • Highlighters
  • Mini-tabs
  • Red Tic-Tacs
  • Red Bash costumes
  • Mini-Kleenex
  • Fun items!

TL Packing List…

  • Business Cards (at least 200)
  • Corrugated Sign (the biggest you can fit in your suitcase) with Your MC Name or Area
  • Paint wood stick or tall stick to tape to your sign & Tape for sign
  • Seat holders: 4×6 laminated bright colored signs with your MC name
  • List from Agent List above
  • BOLD T-shirt for BOLD Re-Charge event on Sunday
  • Extra Big Red Gum and Red Tic-Tacs for everyone throughout Family Reunion

TL Tips

  • Spend as much time with your agents as possible.  This is an incredible bonding time with each and every one of them!
  • Plan ahead of time with staff who is attending what Leadership breakout sessions
  • Plan ahead ‘What’ breakout sessions your guests will attend and with ‘Who’ (always have an agent with your guests because you will be at Leadership Breakout sessions)
  • Download with your agents and staff daily of Ah Ha’s from the day
  • Journal the Highs and Opportunities to improve next year.
  • Sit together at Leadership general sessions.
  • Introduce your agents and recruits to anyone they would like to meet.  Everyone is there to network and assist you with recruiting.
  • Get lots of sleep, you will be walking and using full energy all day, every day.
  • Bring comfortable shoes that you can be in ALL day.
  • Assign someone to stand in line and save seats at:  Vision Speech, State of the Company, Inspirational Brunch, IALC Meeting, Special Session with Gary Keller, Agent Masterminds, KWRI Awards, and Cultural Summit
  • Hold up your MC sign (stand on chair and dance to music if you choose) to attract your agents to your section BEFORE event begins
  • If the lights dim, and you are looking for agents, text them to watch for your phone and hold it up so they can see the light.
  • Go through the vendors and pick up brochures to take back to MC



BOLD Technology

Have you heard about the newest BOLD training?  You’ve got to get this training in your area!  Chad Hyams made my head spin with all of the information in this jammed packed in this 6 hour training.  West Texas was proud to be one of the first areas to host this training.     Here’s an idea of what you and your agents will learn:

  • Every agents needs four websites
  • What’s your bounce rate and why is that important
  • How to use keywords on your site to get the 88% of home buyers that start online to find YOU
  • Should you BLOG? AND, the what, anatomy and where should you BLOG
  • Does size and age matter?
  • The how, the rules and strategies of using video
  • How to I use social media……               AND, this is just from the 1st session!!!!

Sessions 2 and 3 are via webinar for easy hands on implementation!

Why should you take this newest BOLD training?  Here are some interested statistics, did you know that according to NAR 9 out of 10 people would use their real estate agent again, yet only 1 out of 10 did!  When you use social media, do your posts meet 1 or all of the 4 E’s?  (Enlightening, Educational, Enriching or Entertaining).  How many photo’s should your Craigslist ad’s contain?  How many words should your blog posts be?  How can I maximize my search engine optimization? What’s your KLOUT score?  Is my KLOUT score above or below average?  BOLD technology is a stand alone class, it is not necessary you be a graduate of BOLD Experience or BOLD Leadership.
These questions and more are answered when you complete just the first step to BOLD technology.  You can implement concepts from this class the same day and increase your business TODAY!!!!
“No Pressure, No Diamonds”….  Contact MAPS or your Region and get BOLD Technology.


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